Michigan Legacy Art park’s 2024 collaborative artwork is called Raindrops.
Consider the benefits we experience from the rain. It gives plants and crops water to drink, it fills up the rivers and lakes that surround us. It eventually finds its way to sustain us as humans as well—the water we drink makes up 60% of the human body.
In 2024, we invite participants of all ages to paint and draw rain-inspired art on tree rounds from the Art Park to be combined into an installation at the park.
How To Participate
If you belong to a community group—school, day care, retirement facility, house of worship, arts center—and would enjoy making this project available to your own community, please email Education Director, Patricia Innis.
Use artists’ acrylic paint, acrylic paint parkers or permanent markers to create images on 3”-4” wooden tree rounds (aka cookies).
Subject Matter
Effects of Rain
- On one side of the round create images of raindrops and the positive effects of rain.
- On the other side of the round create images of rain drops or lack of rain and what happens if there is too little or too much rain
- Other Options
- Images of Other Weather Phenomena That Involve Water
Create images of different weather phenomena that involve rain or lack of rain such as tornadoes, clouds, strong wind, rain, hail. hurricane or cyclone: strong wind, heavy rain. blizzard: heavy snow, ice, cold temperatures. dust storm: strong winds, arid conditions. Be sure and use both sides of the round with contrasting phenomena on the front and back. - Create Abstractions
People can also create detailed abstract images of raindrops or other wet weather phenomena on one side of the round and its opposite on the other side. For instance, a rain drip on one side and the sun on another.
- Images of Other Weather Phenomena That Involve Water
The Collaborative Artwork Installation
Individual rounds will be combined with others to create a collaborative artwork on the grounds of Michigan Legacy Art Park. The artwork will start to be installed at Michigan Legacy Art Park in early May 2024. The artwork will take the shape of a tunnel with raindrop tree rounds falling around transparent umbrellas, which will all be suspended from a modular grid system developed by local artist Dewey Blocksma.
The rounds will be created throughout the summer at the Art Park and at arts and crafts fairs, as well as other locations.
“Raindrops” will be on display during the summers of 2024 and 2025.
Education Opportunities
The project offers the opportunity to explore climate change, water usage, and other environmental issues from a different angle—easily adapted to fit curriculum standards for various grades.
The installed “tunnel” of raindrops will be made up of several sections. Your class or group may opt to design one full section of the tunnel.
Note: The rounds become the property of Michigan Legacy Art Park and will not be returned to the creators
Funding for this project comes in part from the Benzie Sunrise Rotary Foundation, John N. Barnes Environmental Education Endowment, Michigan Arts and Culture Council, and National Endowment for the Arts.