Art Park Awarded Two Grants

Thompsonville, Mich. – Last week, Michigan Legacy Art Park was awarded two grants. The Community Foundation’s Access to Recreation Endowment will support the development of a master plan with a $1,000 grant to specifically address accessibility issues and create a road map for the future development and maintenance of the Art Park. This grant helps to match a $5,000 planning grant from Rotary Charities that was received for this purpose in May, 2012. Michigan Legacy Art Park board, staff and key stakeholders are working with the Johnson Hill Land Ethics Studio to develop a master plan that will be unveiled in spring 2013.

On Friday, December 7, the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs announced the 312 grants they are awarding to arts organizations across the state. Michigan Legacy Art Park has been awarded a $19,000 grant for operations. This major grant will be leveraged throughout the upcoming year to raise funds to support the mission-driven programs and activities of the Art Park. In addition to developing a master plan, the Art Park plans to expand education programs, begin an artist residency, create an audio tour, continue the Great Lakes sculpture project, present the 18th season of the Summer Sounds concert series, and further establish year-round workshops and tours.

To help the Art Park match these grants, please make a tax deductible contribution through our secure website or by calling the Art Park office at (231) 378-4963. 


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