Where Art, Nature & History Meet


Discover for yourself the stories of Michigan’s cultural and natural history brought to life through art. Our 31-acre wooded preserve offers an art and hiking experience that is uniquely “northern Michigan.”


As the snow is melting, there are areas of ice along the trails at the Art Park. Please use caution while using the trails.

Please hike safely and have fun.

Plan Your Visit


Michigan Legacy Art Park featured on episode of “Under the Radar” on PBS

Learn more about the episode and watch Executive Director, Angie Quinn, talk about the history of the Art Park.
Watch Episode

New Project: Hike in the Woods

Our 2025 collaborative artwork invites YOU to create hiking and forest themed sculptures to be included in a monumental installation at the park.
Learn how

Gateway to Black Eden sculpture by M. Saffell Gardner

Newest Sculpture in Permanent Collection: Gateway to Black Eden by M. Saffell Garder

Learn about the inspiration and process the artist used to create this epic piece.
Learn more

Art must be more than a noun, more than a decorative object that resides outside of self. It must penetrate the consciousness. It must become a state of being. It must dwell within, awakening insight.
David Barr, Art Park Founder

We are a Blue Star Museum