Patricia Innis
Community Collaboration and Environmental Art Coordinator
Patricia Innis is an environmental artist and painter who has exhibited her paintings and participated in environmental art projects throughout the Midwest. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Bowling Green State University and Master of Fine Arts degree from Maharishi International University. Her work is included in the public collections of Bowling Green State University, Northwestern University and the Central Iowa Airport. She has also provided illustrations in Embroidered Horizons, a poetry anthology, and in The History of the Pioneer Picnic.
Currently the community collaboration and environmental art coordinator, and formerly the education director at Michigan Legacy Art Park, Innis has established collaborative relationships with schools throughout northwest lower-Michigan, leading workshops and week-long residencies in schools and organizing field trips to the Art Park. She has several environmental installations in the Art Park, including Robins!, Serpent Mound, Hemmingway Haunts, and Logging Camp.