The Legacy Award honors those who make a significant, positive impact on Michigan’s arts, history, culture, or environment.
Nominations for the 2025 Legacy Award are Open
Each year Michigan Legacy Art Park honors a significant individual and their work through the Legacy Award. The recipient and their work complement the mission of Michigan Legacy Art Park. Our mission is to inspire awareness, appreciation and passion for Michigan’s history, culture, and the environment through the arts. The goal for the Award is to create a unifying experience for those involved in Michigan arts and culture and demonstrates the Art Park’s values in recognizing the power of collaboration and peer influence. Presentation of this award is held at the annual Legacy Gala, generally scheduled in August in Thompsonville, Michigan.
2024 Mary Bevans Gillett
2023 Jason Quigno
2022 Dewey Blocksma
2021 Lois Teicher
2019 Charles McGee
2018 Marsha Smith
2017 Doug and Anne Stanton
2016 Gene Jenneman
2015 MLAP Founding Board Members
2014 George Zimmerman (Pure Michigan)
2013 David Barr and Beth Dwaihy Barr
2012 Bob and Jane Holdeman
2011 Governor William and Helen Milliken
2010 George and Althea Petritz
2009 Tuskegee Airmen of Michigan
Congratulations to our Honorees!
Nominees are individuals (or group of individuals) who have had significant influence in Michigan’s:
- Art
- History
- Culture
- Environment
Since the Art Park is an arts/culture organization, those nominated for their environmental or historical significance should have done so in a way that has affected arts or culture.
All nominees should be nominated using the Nomination Form. The deadline for 2025 submission is October 18, 2024.
The Legacy Award Committee will review all nominees, and determine the best candidate for recommendation to the Art Park board of directors. The Legacy Award Committee will present the selected recipient to the Art Park’s board of directors at the November board meeting. The board will then vote to approve this nomination for the award. Following notification of recipient, the 2025 Legacy Award will be announced on the Art Park’s website.