With the support of many generous donors, the Art Access for All campaign is expanding opportunities for people of all ages, needs and abilities to create, explore, learn and reflect at Michigan Legacy Art Park.
This campaign is also setting the stage for other important investments that will make the Art Park more sustainable and accessible in the future.
One of the most exciting developments as a result of this campaign was the addition of our new ADA-compliant, barrier free trail. This gentle-grade trail now allows wheelchair access to the Mo and Linda White Discovery Grove, which serves as the hub for school field trips. In addition, we were able to construct platforms and privacy screens for two new barrier-free portable restrooms.
Beyond Discovery Grove, the entire park is now accessible to visitors with physical limitations. Gifts given in memory of the park’s founder David Barr and his wife Beth Dwaihy-Barr were used to purchase a six-passenger all-terrain vehicle, which is used for guided tours from spring through fall. A storage shed with water spigot was also constructed to house this cart and more.
The Art Park amphitheater has been entirely renovated, including a new band shell, staircase with hand rail, deck in the seating area, outdoor furniture and more. Extra seating and retaining wall serves a dual purpose–improving the sustainability of the space, while allowing for larger audiences for Summer Sounds concerts.
The Mo and Linda White Discovery Grove was also expanded and improved, allowing more effective learning experiences for both children and adults.
Other Facility Improvements:
- Improved arrival area and parking lot including bollards
- Upgraded electrical for amphitheater, gatehouse and storage building
- Built three new picnic tables
Maintenence and Environmental
New landscaping has been done around the park entrance and amphitheater to not only beautify the park, but also control erosion and traffic. Sixteen trees, over thirty shrubs, and hundreds of new native plants added around the trailhead direct hikers more clearly to the entrance of the park. Strategic landscaping around the amphitheater will dramatically reduce erosion on the hill and terraced areas. In the spring, hundreds more plants will be added to further improve sustainability of the barrier-free trail and trailhead.
Other Maintenance and Environmental Investments:
- Provided for landscape architect, engineer and architect to prepare construction documents
- Increased facility and art maintenance
- Purchased new trash receptacles
Art & Education
Funds raised through this campaign are expanding educational programming so more northern Michigan kids are able to visit the park for the very unique fine art experience that also illuminates their classroom studies in math, history, science and social studies.
We are also able to create more opportunities for artists to participate in our mission and engage park visitors. Eric Troffkin’s sculpture, Communications Vine was added to the park in 2015 as a result of the Art Access for All campaign, and we also installed six artist-designed benches throughout the park.
Construction is currently underway on the next big addition to the Art Park. Sanctuary will be a place for rest and reflection as visitors consider the works in the park and the surrounding nature.
New Staff
The Art Access for All campaign also provided funding to create two new part-time staff positions–Patricia Innis as Eduction Director, and new Artistic Director, Kaz McCue.
Other Funded Projects Coming Soon
- New bike rack
- Replace large map sign to show new trail
- New signage for arrival area
None of this could have happened without the dedication of our board of directors, campaign committee, many volunteers, and of course everyone who donated to the Art Access for All campaign over the past two years. Thank you so much for playing a part in this important development for the Art Park and all who enjoy it every single day.
Campaign Donors
The Aline Underhill Orten Foundation Inc.
Bill and Nancy Allen
Gary and Mimi Appel
Heather Barr Adamczyk
Art and Mary Schmuckal Foundation
Bruce and Eloise Baxter
Bruce and Patricia Berghoff
Richard Bingham
Barnie Bishop
Wes and Sharon Blizzard
Diana Bolander
Laurence and Patricia Booth
Edward and Ingrid Brophy
Warren and Marina Call
Michael and Nancy Call
Diane Carr
Rob and Diane Collier
Martin and Valerie Cotanche
Nancy Cotcamp
Crystal Mountain
Aida Cutler
D&W Mechanical
Skip Davis
Tom and Julie Dawson
Connie Deneweth
Kathryn DenHouter and Jim Jackway
Paula Drewek
Katharine and Harry Eiferle
Phil Ellis
Jeff Ensroth
Heather Fields
Beth and Joe Fitzsimmons
Phyllis Foster
Marcia and Stanley Freedman
Martha Garber
Roger Garrett
Merritt and Vanessa Gaunt
Kathleen Golaszewski
Linda Gormley
Sally M. Grady Trust
Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation
Jenny and Barney Habecker
Barbara Heller
Renee and Chris Hintz
John Holdeman Memorial
Bob and Jane Holdeman
Robert Holdeman LLC
Diane Hubert and Richard Sutton
Mark and Jackie Humitz
Donations Made In Honor of David Barr and Beth Dwaihy-Barr
Susan Jackson
Stephen and Debra Jackson
Charles Keeling
Stan and Karen Kogut
Jim and Pat Laarman
Mary Lane and Ben Wolfe
Ed and Carol Laprade
Marcia Lee
Tom and Judy Lewis
Stephen Lyons and KimBerly Dennis
Jim and Chris MacInnes
Bernie and Shirley Malamud
Nancy McKay
Luke Meert
John and Beth Melcher
Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs
Ron and Eileen Millard
William G. Milliken
Mary Ann Cheney and David Mix
Florence Morris
Mark Mullen
Jim and Maree Mulvoy
Izumi Myers
Paul Nagurka and Rose Ann Jacobs
Northwoods Ski and Spree
Claudia Ogden
Old Mission Women’s Club
Oleson Foundation
Earl and Thelma O’Loughlin
Steve and Deona Paine
Paine Family Foundation
William and Martha Paine
Carol Paine-McGovern and Terry McGovern
Grant and Paulette Parsons
Patty Pelizzari
John and Theresa Pelizzari
Ralph, Cristina and Cesare Perpetuini
Heather and Roger Perry
Scot and Kris Perry
David and Joyce Petrakovitz
Althea K. Petritz
Marge Phillips
Karyn Pilon
William B. Porter
Ruth Rattner
Dan Remahl
JR Rising
Jim Ristine and Mardi Black
Rick and Jan Robb
Linda and David Roeser
William Rosenburg
Rotary Charities
Michael T. Sarb
Rob Serbin and Peggy Day
Bruce and Becky Sharp
Dave and Sue Shooltz
Leah Sirrine
Barb Skurdall and Ann Strehle
Janie Slayden
Dolores Slowinski
Rich and Sue Smith
Onna Solomon
Richard and Diana Sosnowski
Ken Stevens and Neeta Delaney
Stormcloud Brewing Co.
Terry and Michael Tarnow
Employees of Traverse City State Bank
Gail VanderStoep
Inge Vincent
Suzy Voltz
Ashlea and Chris Walter
Marilyn Wheaton and Paul Duffy
Maurice and Linda White
David Whiting
Gretchen Wilbert
Diane Wilbur and Jim Szalay
Ima Williams
James and Sue Woodburne
Steve Yencich
Art and Sue Yeotis
George and Carol Zimmermann
Dr. Gayla Zoghlin
In-Kind Donors
Chaney Creek Construction
Bob Holdeman Architect
The Johnson Hill Land Ethics Studio
Norm Ling, David Williams and David McPhail
Mansfield Land Use Consultants
Practical Engineers
Westbrook Electric
Zrimec and Wick

Campaign Committee
Bill Milliken Jr., Honorary Chair
Warren Call
Mary Ann Cheney
Kathy Eiferle
Phil Ellis
Tim Ervin
Renee Hintz
David Mix
Suzy Voltz
Maurice White
Judy Williams
Campaign Advisors
Jason Allen
Suzanne Allen
Chris MacInnes
Jim MacInnes
Rick Schmitt
Johnson Hill Land Ethics Studio
Robert Holdeman, Architect
Practical Engineers
Alpers Excavating
Chaney Creek Construction
GLR, Inc
Mansfield Land Use Consultants
Westbrook Electric