Field Trips

Connecting art and science through color, shape and texture
Science and art teachers, this field trip theme is for you! A trip to Michigan Legacy Art Park is a chance for students to expand their understanding of classroom subjects and make curriculum connections that open the door for future discoveries. Every work of art students encounter offers inspirational starting points for further study.
To schedule a field trip, contact Education Director, Patricia Innis.
Email Patricia InnisOr call the Art Park office: 231-378-4963
Field Trips Include
- Guided Tour
- Environmental art project
- Stewardship opportunities
- Or teachers can design an experience that best meets the students’ needs
Payment Information
- Cost: $3 per student and adult
- Payment on day of outing via check (payable to: Michigan Legacy Art Park), or request an invoice.
- Teachers are encouraged to apply for grants to help with costs associated with field trips.

Line, color and texture are used to identify trees, birds, rocks and other species in nature.
Related Artwork
- Robins!, Patricia Innis
- Weeping Willow, Les Scruggs
- Masonry Vessel, Joe Zajac

Line, color and texture are three of the seven elements of art used to create, discuss and evaluate tradition and contemporary artwork.
Related Artwork
- Frog, William Allen
- Transit Survey, David Barr
- Communications Vine, Eric Troffkin
Field Trip Grant
Michigan Legacy Art Park now has grants available to help defray the travel costs associated with your field trip.
Download Grant Application
“It was wonderful to see my students so engaged and enthusiastic about the environmental art project. The field trip gave us much to write about when we returned to school. I had no problem teaching the class to use sensory detail in their descriptions about their favorite sculpture.”
Clarissa Wright, Frankfort Elementary

Michigan in Motion
Teachers can also select this theme for your field trip, that connects wind, water and Michigan history through the arts.
To schedule a field trip, contact Education Director, Patricia Innis.
Email Patricia InnisOr call the Art Park office: 231-378-4963

Throughout history wind has been used as a source of energy first propelling boats then grinding grain, pumping water and generating electricity.
Related Artwork
- Wheels of Progress, Dewey Blockma
- Five Needles, Michael McGillis
- Fallen Comrade, David Greenwood

The lakes and rivers of the Great Lakes Basin are unique eco systems that also have provided transportation, food and water supply. They also serve as great recreational spaces today!
Related Artwork
- The Big Two Hearted, David Barr
- Michigan and Superior, Brian Ferriby

March of Michigan History
The artwork in the park is all inspired by the “Michigan experience.” Some works not only suggest a historical event or topic, but also the march of time—how Michigan’s history has played out over time and continues to effect the future.
Related Artwork
- Ontonagon, John Richardson
- Stockade Labyrinth, David Barr
- Logging Camp, Patricia Innis
Why create themes for Field Trips?
While students love seeing all the artwork at the park, we have found that kids get more out of their experience when they are able to slow down and spend time with just a few of the artworks.
- Make deeper connections between art and classroom studies
- More meaningful personal engagement with the art
- Creates more opportunities to exercise their imagination
- Provides unique experience each year a student visits
Activities to enhance a field trip
These activities can be done in preparation for, during, or after a field trip to further engage students and get more from their day in the park.